dmightysolomon...your bible itself explains why Jesus should NOT be the messiah, so don't put into argument if i call him a bastard because i have proof from your book that he was one, and he came from a blood line that is damned by your bible God from the very beginning. And you were telling me that everything was given as food...but why aren't you guys eating blood, as it is a delicacy in the Philippines? Because as far as my understanding, it was part of the "banned" foods in the bible, but you guys only selected it and ignored the rest? Leviticus 11 explains what can be eaten and what cannot, and you will give me an explanation that god doesn't ban pork because it's not poisoned? In your number of years being a Filipino, how many have died of eating dinuguan? I've been eating it since i was a child but it's not poison...why can't you? My basis of salvation...don't do unto others what you don't want others do unto you. If you want to become a Deist yourself, its not my call. What's the point of believing in something that has lots of contradicting "facts"? Would you be happy to teach your children the story of how your bible god told his "chosen people" how to kill newborn, firstborn and all? you will tell that the guilt of the father is not transferred to the son, and vice versa, yet he sent the angel of death to kill the egyptian's first born for the guilt of their fathers as part of the 7 plagues? i would not want my child to know that salvation is based on a book written by unknown people who have lived thousand of years before i was even born. i will teach my child to be good, fair and just, and you don't need a bible to know what is right from wrong. you mentioned devil doing the same thing, are hindus devil? are greeks who believe in many gods devil? they are not. and they can live like yours and mine. Will you consider me devil if i don't follow your doctrines? Think. Religions are all politics. How many of your kind follow the so-called doctrines by the letter? If you ommit part of the bible to be followed, it's as good as not following the entire thing. And then you will tell everyone that whoever belongs to your congregation will definitely be saved? You have no assurance except your book who contradicts itself. What else you got left? What's the difference of other religion from yours? All buddhist will go to "hell" because they don't believe in Jesus? Is that your understanding of God, punishing those who don't believe in the bible in the judgment day? I want my child to think of God as a father, that's why i have a big role to become a model so that my children will not have a bad impression of my God. If i can't kill my child, so does my God. If i can forgive my child for her fault, so does my God. But i can't order my child to kill someone and explain to her that it's because i'm merciful. Your idea of God starts from home, and you don't need a bible to become a good person.
It's not because things are difficult that we don't dare, it's because we don't dare that makes things difficult!
dmightysolomon...your bible itself explains why Jesus should NOT be the messiah, so don't put into argument if i call him a bastard because i have proof from your book that he was one, and he came from a blood line that is damned by your bible God from the very beginning. And you were telling me that everything was given as food...but why aren't you guys eating blood, as it is a delicacy in the Philippines? Because as far as my understanding, it was part of the "banned" foods in the bible, but you guys only selected it and ignored the rest? Leviticus 11 explains what can be eaten and what cannot, and you will give me an explanation that god doesn't ban pork because it's not poisoned? In your number of years being a Filipino, how many have died of eating dinuguan? I've been eating it since i was a child but it's not poison...why can't you? My basis of salvation...don't do unto others what you don't want others do unto you. If you want to become a Deist yourself, its not my call. What's the point of believing in something that has lots of contradicting "facts"? Would you be happy to teach your children the story of how your bible god told his "chosen people" how to kill newborn, firstborn and all? you will tell that the guilt of the father is not transferred to the son, and vice versa, yet he sent the angel of death to kill the egyptian's first born for the guilt of their fathers as part of the 7 plagues? i would not want my child to know that salvation is based on a book written by unknown people who have lived thousand of years before i was even born. i will teach my child to be good, fair and just, and you don't need a bible to know what is right from wrong. you mentioned devil doing the same thing, are hindus devil? are greeks who believe in many gods devil? they are not. and they can live like yours and mine. Will you consider me devil if i don't follow your doctrines? Think. Religions are all politics. How many of your kind follow the so-called doctrines by the letter? If you ommit part of the bible to be followed, it's as good as not following the entire thing. And then you will tell everyone that whoever belongs to your congregation will definitely be saved? You have no assurance except your book who contradicts itself. What else you got left? What's the difference of other religion from yours? All buddhist will go to "hell" because they don't believe in Jesus? Is that your understanding of God, punishing those who don't believe in the bible in the judgment day? I want my child to think of God as a father, that's why i have a big role to become a model so that my children will not have a bad impression of my God. If i can't kill my child, so does my God. If i can forgive my child for her fault, so does my God. But i can't order my child to kill someone and explain to her that it's because i'm merciful. Your idea of God starts from home, and you don't need a bible to become a good person.
It's not because things are difficult that we don't dare, it's because we don't dare that makes things difficult!