dmightysolomon...multiple marriage, or even marrying at an early age, why does it have to be the focus of your quest in questioning Islam? If you were saying that everything in the Bible is correct, why is Abraham, Solomon, and the rest of the big names written on it married more than once and yet your bible God exhaulted them? Does it mean that you only have to select specific area of the bible to follow? If you really are abiding the laws written in the bible, like not eating blood, why do you guys eat pork when it was clearly written? Why don't you guys celebrate the Passover? Why don't you celebrate the Jubilee? Those were written in the bible and yet you are not following those? Jesus celebrated the passover meal, and followed all the so-called doctrines, but why you guys can't? Why aren't you doing the burnt offering? If you are only going to select specific part of the bible to follow, what's the sense of reading the entire book? You want me to point your doctrine that opposes the bible, answer my questions, as those opposes to your doctrines. Eating pork as it was written in Leviticus, Chapter 11:6-7, was not being followed...why? because you will tell me that it is not what goes inside the body that defiles a man but rather what goes out of it? Then why not eat blood, it's kinda contradicting, don't you think? Don't brag about your religion, as you guys only select what to follow from the bible and yet call yourselves righteous. Before you tell the splinter in your brother's eyes, look at the wood stucked in your eye, as those are preventing you from seeing what needs to be seen. Answer all my questions, because you keep on changing topic and defending your stand, rather than answering the questions. Starting from the Authenticity of the Bible being the word of God, all the way to my above question.
Romans 16:16 was your famous verse, but do you guys really do that? What is your holy kiss, hypocrisy?
It's not because things are difficult that we don't dare, it's because we don't dare that makes things difficult!
dmightysolomon...multiple marriage, or even marrying at an early age, why does it have to be the focus of your quest in questioning Islam? If you were saying that everything in the Bible is correct, why is Abraham, Solomon, and the rest of the big names written on it married more than once and yet your bible God exhaulted them? Does it mean that you only have to select specific area of the bible to follow? If you really are abiding the laws written in the bible, like not eating blood, why do you guys eat pork when it was clearly written? Why don't you guys celebrate the Passover? Why don't you celebrate the Jubilee? Those were written in the bible and yet you are not following those? Jesus celebrated the passover meal, and followed all the so-called doctrines, but why you guys can't? Why aren't you doing the burnt offering? If you are only going to select specific part of the bible to follow, what's the sense of reading the entire book? You want me to point your doctrine that opposes the bible, answer my questions, as those opposes to your doctrines. Eating pork as it was written in Leviticus, Chapter 11:6-7, was not being followed...why? because you will tell me that it is not what goes inside the body that defiles a man but rather what goes out of it? Then why not eat blood, it's kinda contradicting, don't you think? Don't brag about your religion, as you guys only select what to follow from the bible and yet call yourselves righteous. Before you tell the splinter in your brother's eyes, look at the wood stucked in your eye, as those are preventing you from seeing what needs to be seen. Answer all my questions, because you keep on changing topic and defending your stand, rather than answering the questions. Starting from the Authenticity of the Bible being the word of God, all the way to my above question.
Romans 16:16 was your famous verse, but do you guys really do that? What is your holy kiss, hypocrisy?
It's not because things are difficult that we don't dare, it's because we don't dare that makes things difficult!