PM, I think you miss understand me. I am not putting blame on the USA when I say the West. Not at all. I think I refer more to "old" Europe than the USA.
Also I am not saying that Qataries have to pay for schools. I meant this for the foreigners that go to Qatari schools.
Also I am not married to a Qatari. I am a single mom. I have lived here for 18 years now, coming from Switzerland and saw there the treatment that the Italians & Spaniard (laborers) got ther versus the treatment the Swiss got.
And when I say that the management (non Qataries) are responsible for the treatment of the laborers I am not refering to Americans either, but to other nationalities (you know which ones I refer to, I hope)
So please do not get onto your high horse. I do not want to offend any Americans, nor any other nationalities. I just want to say that the GCC countries got their lessons from the West.Remember 50 years ago they were sort of non-existing as a state. They still have a lot of catching up to do and as was said, the tain is on its way, but you don't want it to go to fast.
As far as the slave traders go I think most of the slaves were taken to the US, or am I wrong here? Then it was a question of demand and supply, the same as it is a question of demand & supply now. I do not agree with it then, nor do I agree with it now.
As you noticed in my post I complained about Najeeb who in my eyes is the big hyporate.
PM, I think you miss understand me. I am not putting blame on the USA when I say the West. Not at all. I think I refer more to "old" Europe than the USA.
Also I am not saying that Qataries have to pay for schools. I meant this for the foreigners that go to Qatari schools.
Also I am not married to a Qatari. I am a single mom. I have lived here for 18 years now, coming from Switzerland and saw there the treatment that the Italians & Spaniard (laborers) got ther versus the treatment the Swiss got.
And when I say that the management (non Qataries) are responsible for the treatment of the laborers I am not refering to Americans either, but to other nationalities (you know which ones I refer to, I hope)
So please do not get onto your high horse. I do not want to offend any Americans, nor any other nationalities. I just want to say that the GCC countries got their lessons from the West.Remember 50 years ago they were sort of non-existing as a state. They still have a lot of catching up to do and as was said, the tain is on its way, but you don't want it to go to fast.
As far as the slave traders go I think most of the slaves were taken to the US, or am I wrong here? Then it was a question of demand and supply, the same as it is a question of demand & supply now. I do not agree with it then, nor do I agree with it now.
As you noticed in my post I complained about Najeeb who in my eyes is the big hyporate.