Assalam Aleikum!

sisterfatima...your writing really fascinated me and it seems like you know my interest really well. To be honest, i was about to say that i would rather read Qu'ran rather than the Bible which has many inconsistencies. Anyway, i'll read Qu'ran for reference as i made a vow that i will never again join any form of revealed religion. I commend you for challenging me and referring the writings in Qu'ran with those of science discoveries, and with that you won another reader of Qu'ran. I will try to read it in it's purest form, in Arabic, and i'll keep an english version for me to understand what i read (i know how to write and read Arabic, but not understand :p) Anyone knows where i can get an Arabic AND English version of Qu'ran for free?

It's not because things are difficult that we don't dare, it's because we don't dare that makes things difficult!