Many thanks for participating in this thread & for all your compliments.
From this thread my 101% aim is to convey the Divine & pure message of ISLAM, then i didnt abuse any religions here As abusing others is forbidden in ISLAM.By conveying the message of ISLAM am trying to save the peoples (my brothers & sisters) those who disobeys allah & ALlah's commands. Those who are going to be the fuel of Hell Fire. May allah almighty grace all of us. Bcz ISLAM teaches humanity, Love & Peace. So its every muslim's duty to save those who are in wrong path. And I didnt understand what is in my thread to hurt others. Am quoting from their beliefs & from Quran. all are infront of you, u can refer, if those refrences are wrong then say me. I wil stop. instead of refering tat, wat is the use of saying me to stop this thread brother.So i would like to request to you to refer my thread. And think brother y peoples are not purely following Bible. Why they made corrections, for whom they made corrections. etc

Appreciate your kind understanding.

All the best for a divine thinking.....Jst refer to my all threads brother so you will clearly understand i didnt abuse anybody or any religion, again am requesting you to understand the truth or jst spent some time to think,so u wil understand the truth brother. All your questions abt ISLAM are gladly welcome.

(Holy QUran 2:216) Perhaps you May Dislike Something Which Is Really Good for you or Like Something Bad for you, but Allah Knows(What Is Best for you) & You Do Not(know)