blablabla...who says the sciptures disallows such? I gave you the example of what's written in the scripture that "promotes" incest, why would you tell me that it's a sin as written in the Bible? Does Adam and Eve's children not have sex with each other? What do you call it then? I don't see any contradiction with my reasoning, as my point in giving example in the Bible is to show the flaw which you people believe in.

Malabari...who would i believe then, your scripture? And why would i provide verses in your Qu'ran when i dont read them? My side is reasoning beyond your belief, so i don't need to use your book to reason out my belief. Also, can you point out in your questions which one i didn't touch so that i can give my point with that aspect?

Apologies for answering late coz been busy working and no time for internet. :D

It's not because things are difficult that we don't dare, it's because we don't dare that makes things difficult!