Malabari...i apologize for not answering you as you see in my previous post, i was pre-occupied. :D

The reason the books you mentioned were not included in the Bible is because the Editors doesn't want to add it, for it gives a different view of what they perceive of Jesus.

You mention to me Sweden where incest is legal, and you ask me if it's rational. The answer is Yes, it's rational. Why do you think it's taboo for family members to have sex, when the bible itself taught it to be moral? Bible mentioned about Adam and Eve being the first family, how do you think there will be other people if their siblings didn't have sex? How about the case of Lot when his daughter had sex with him? How about the case of all those written in the Bible where they marry their next of kin? If you are going to base it from the Bible, why do you question incest when it's clearly written there to be legal? In Arab culture, correct me if i'm wrong, they prefer to marry their relative. Why wasn't it called incest?

Science doesn't agree with incest, but it has nothing to do with religion. There is a bad gene in everyone of us, that if it found a compatible pair (usually from relative), a genetic problem with the child is a high probability.

If you'll talk of judgement day from the Bible, everything that was written to be the "sign" of the next coming had been happening since thousands of years. How come we're still here? When is the next coming? After another thousand years?

the only thing that's permanent in this world is change. You can't use a book written thousands of years ago to be the basis of your life. Medical books become obsolete whenever there are new findings. what makes it different with the Bible? The bible is obsolete, and the teachings are inconsistent. Even the so-called "holy spirit" in the bible is not consistent, why would i put my "FAITH" in it?

There are other life forms in the universe...if they don't happen to know Jesus, what would happen to them?

It's not because things are difficult that we don't dare, it's because we don't dare that makes things difficult!