dmightysolomon, why would you not question what was written? I've read the story since i was 10 yrs old, and i can't find the rationalization of Bible God killing "children". Is he merciful, you say? Why not show mercy to those children? Because he has a plan? a plan of what, terrorizing people and later on telling everyone how merciful he was? Tell me what is wrong with my view, because it is in contrary to what was taught to you by the book? I know, you cannot question your Bible God because he will kill you, just like what he did to Uzziah when he tried to prevent the Ark of the covenant from tilting. Imagine your Bible God, killing an innocent person for preventing the ark and the commandment from falling. Is there logic in this "killing", or i have to ask again for Mercy from your bible god so that he will not kill me for asking some questions? That's how religion raised people...fear! God is good and merciful...why would i fear Him? and how do you know it's his will? because the book said so? Why is the Gospel of Magdalena not included in the bible? Why is the Gospel of Judas not included? Because the council of Nicea found this to be "blasphemous" with your bible god, so they ommitted it. So much for your belief. Have fear in your bible God, or he will kill you for no reason, where only knows the reason. hehehe. My God doesn't kill for no reason. I see you are a true christian, lets put your "fait to the test".
The challenge to Christians is to prove Mark 16:18 which says those who believe in the Gospels will be able to "lay their hands on the sick, and they shall recover." If this is true, then Christians would be able to go to any sick person anywhere and lay their Christian hands on them, and they would recover. The fact that we have millions of very sick people around the world tells us that either this Bible promise is false or that Christians really don't care about the sick, otherwise they would lay their hands on them and they would be healed! My friend's mom has cancer...can i bring her to you so that she be healed? If you can't heal, does this mean you have no faith?

It's not because things are difficult that we don't dare, it's because we don't dare that makes things difficult!