Dear frnds,

One thing you shud understand Christianiy is the religion of Christ, Bhuddism is the religion of Bhudhha, Hinduism is the religon of Hindavan, But islam in not a religion its a way or life style of human culture.
The most complete system of worship available to human beings today is the system found in the religion of Islaam. The very name 'Islaam' means 'submission to the will of God.' Although it is commonly referred to as 'the third of the three monotheistic faiths,' it is not a new religion at all. It is the religion brought by all of the prophets of God for humankind. Islaam was the religion of Adam, Abraham, Moses and Jesus. God addresses this issue in the final revelation with regard to Prophet Abraham, saying:

"Abraham was neither a Jew nor a Christian,
but he was an upright Muslim who did not worship others besides God."
(Qur'aan, 3:67)

Since there is only One God, and humankind are one species, the religion which God has ordained for human beings is one. He did not prescribe one religion for the Jews, another for Indians, yet another for Europeans, etc. Human spiritual and social needs are uniform, and human nature has not changed since the first man and woman were created. Consequently, no other religion is acceptable to God besides Islaam, as He clearly states in Chapter Aal 'Imraan of the final revelation:

"Surely Allaah's religion is Islaam."
(Qur'aan, 3:19)

"And whoever desires a religion besides Islaam
will not have it accepted,
and he will be among the losers in the hereafter."
(Qur'aan, 3:85)

so this is the speciality and Unique quality of ISLAM