tatz ryt.....bcz both them are came to convey the same message to Worship allah, allah alone ryt....but y Christains are worshiping Jesus.....(o.o) but jesus also prayed to Allah and when ever he needs anything he used to pray to allah but why Christains are not depending allah, acc to Quran Jesus (peace be up on him) and Muhammed (Peace be upon him) are messengers. Both are conveyed same message
tatz ryt.....bcz both them are came to convey the same message to Worship allah, allah alone ryt....but y Christains are worshiping Jesus.....(o.o) but jesus also prayed to Allah and when ever he needs anything he used to pray to allah but why Christains are not depending allah, acc to Quran Jesus (peace be up on him) and Muhammed (Peace be upon him) are messengers. Both are conveyed same message