Ha Ha !!! This is so funny. So some people think that if it is 'Made in USA' sticker it is really made in USA or for that matter 'Made in - any country label'. If you go checking, the products are usually assembled there or 'quality checked' in that place. Almost all the products including electronics and construction material are made in China. They may be certified some where else. Don't believe me - go to China and see the industries or better ask the suppliers.
Ha Ha !!! This is so funny. So some people think that if it is 'Made in USA' sticker it is really made in USA or for that matter 'Made in - any country label'. If you go checking, the products are usually assembled there or 'quality checked' in that place. Almost all the products including electronics and construction material are made in China. They may be certified some where else. Don't believe me - go to China and see the industries or better ask the suppliers.