"fake stories about some unrealistic crimes by Hitler"????????????????????????
"I hate to hear everything that goes on with the holocaust and i have studied alot about it. I am Muslim and they say that all Muslims dont believe it happened but alot of us do. the children of the holocaust were lucky to survive (who ever did), but thoes who died were proble luckier, if they survived they would have to live with all the memories of Hilter and the holocaust. To the kids. i have great compassion towards you and hope this never happens again. they ahve taken the study out of England because of People not believing it and fighting for it. If we do not know what happened we are bound to repeat it. its sort of already happening wars are still going on and soon maybe WWIII is coming. i hear alot of people talking about Hitler rising again and others contiuing his work i;d hate to become a victim like all thoes little ones were. i have never cried so much when i first started reading about the holocaust its so horrible to think that one man could do this. i pray all of you will never have to go thru it again and that you are still alive" http://users2.smartgb.com/g/g.php?a=s&i=g23-00715-94
"If I can send the flower of the German nation into the hell of war without the smallest pity for the spilling of precious German blood, then surely I have the right to remove millions of an inferior race that breeds like vermin ..." Fekc you Adolf Hitler!
"fake stories about some unrealistic crimes by Hitler"????????????????????????
"I hate to hear everything that goes on with the holocaust and i have studied alot about it. I am Muslim and they say that all Muslims dont believe it happened but alot of us do. the children of the holocaust were lucky to survive (who ever did), but thoes who died were proble luckier, if they survived they would have to live with all the memories of Hilter and the holocaust. To the kids. i have great compassion towards you and hope this never happens again. they ahve taken the study out of England because of People not believing it and fighting for it. If we do not know what happened we are bound to repeat it. its sort of already happening wars are still going on and soon maybe WWIII is coming. i hear alot of people talking about Hitler rising again and others contiuing his work i;d hate to become a victim like all thoes little ones were. i have never cried so much when i first started reading about the holocaust its so horrible to think that one man could do this. i pray all of you will never have to go thru it again and that you are still alive"
"If I can send the flower of the German nation into the hell of war without the smallest pity for the spilling of precious German blood, then surely I have the right to remove millions of an inferior race that breeds like vermin ..." Fekc you Adolf Hitler!