My parents are gay
Comments from kids
"Sometimes it's hard to tell people that my moms are lesbians because sometimes they don't understand."

"People at my school know my mom is gay and they know that my moms love me a lot and know we have fun with each other. There are lots of kids with gay parents but they don't want anyone to know because they think someone is going to make fun of them."

"My dads are gay and gay means when two men or two women love each other. It's sort of like having a mom and dad who love each other except it's a man and a man or a woman and a woman."

"It's really cool to have two gay dads because they brought us into a home and they adopted us and they love us."

"The only hard thing about having two moms is that sometimes kids use mean words for gays and lesbians and that hurts my feelings. I wish they knew it was OK to have two moms and it's OK to be different."
Some "recommended" children's books:
Heather Has Two Mommies, by Leslea Newman

Daddy's Roommate, by Michael Willhoite

Who's in a Family, by Robert Skutch

Do I Have a Daddy? A Story About a Single-Parent Child, by Jeanne Warren Lindsay
Somebody shoot me!