This is my single answer,QB!
No marriage!
Sorry, i cant help you!
Homosexuality continues to be strongly rejected by the Roumanian society.
At the question "do you believe gay people should be accepted as any other people?”, most respondents, 52 %, said no, and only 34 % said yes; the rest of 15 percent refused to give an answer.
Homophobia is highly present at practically all social levels, although educated young people in urban areas are more tolerant.
77% of Roumanians would feel disturbed if made passes by a person of the same-sex.
Two thirds would have the same reaction if they saw two people of the same sex kissing in the street, irrespective if they are men or women.
More than half of the respondents would be upset to find out that a person in their entourage or their family doctor is gay, while 45 % would not feel comfortable to learn that an office colleague has a different sexual orientation.
And yet 9 percent of respondents admitted to having been attracted at least once by people of the same sex.
In conclusion, couple life in Roumania is still dominated by tradition, saying that if you want to be a real man , you should achieve three things in life: build a house, plant a tree and have a child.

God bless you!