In 1918, the Russian revolutionary Vladimir Lenin abolished marriage and declared the family obsolete. His motive was simple: the "family" prevented women from doing work that was useful to the state.
Do you see the stunning parallel to the current crisis of our times?
The stability of the modern family today is not only being slandered, but slaughtered!
Indeed, bad things will continue to happen if good people do nothing.
We face a daunting challenge.
However, the well-being of future generations is dependent upon the way we answer this imminent threat now.
God and history will judge us on how we handle this crisis.
In the National Review Online article by Maggie Gallagher, the author notes: "Marriage is not an option, it is a precondition for social survival.
"Winning the gay-marriage debate may be hard, but those of us who witnessed the fall of Communism, despair is inexcusable and irresponsible."

Before closing, I want to offer a word of hope.
I have said on numerous occasions that the institution of marriage was created and ordained by God.
If that is true-and I wholeheartedly believe that it is-then no wrong-headed law can destroy it.

But while God's plan for marriage cannot be undone, man's attempt to create an "alternative" promises to leave a legacy of confusion, turmoil and broken lives throughout our society.
Please pray with me that a meltdown of that magnitude does not happen.
Yes, do be in concerted prayer for the family, for our leaders, and for our nation.
If we get out of the mess we are in now, it will be due to nothing short of divine intervention and guidance.

I pray that the Lord would grant us the wisdom and strength to defend marriage.
God bless you.