East African Sand Boa

Scientific Name:
Epicrates cenchria cenchria

Also known as Kenyan Sand Boa, Egyptian Sand Boa,
Yellowish or orange colour with dark brown splotches
This snake is nocturnal animal

Found in most East African countries
Including Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Sudan, Eqypt...

When it reaches sexual maturity ages of 3 years old
Give birth to live young after 4 months of breeding

6 to 20 babies per clutch

Hatchling: 15 to 20 inches

Adult male: Up 15 to 18 inches,
Adult female: Up to 30 inches possible

Up to 16 years or more

African sand boa eat very little
Young boa should be fed every 5 to 7 days
Adult boa eating schedule is 1 to 2 weeks once
Hatchling: Insects and small pinky mice

Adult: Lizards and rodents
Avoid keeping rodent with the snake overnight
A bowl of fresh water should be provided for the snake

Snake Habitat and Vivarium Housing:
In captivity, temperature should be around 82°F
Keep the basking spot around 89°F

Everybody wants to go to heaven; but nobody wants to die.