"A hulk ofa man clad in armor, his weapon to hand and alert,
His helmet worn snug, as it should be,
He crouches with care in the dirt
Of a dim, distant war he once heard of in a book, in a class,
Now he scratches the ear of a kitten
He encountered while passing this way.

And the cat sits and loves the attention it never would win here
at home,
For its place in this world is in basements
Chasing mice, catching rats where they roam.
And yet it has killed in its duty, for play still comes first to its ken –
This calico purrs wih great pleasure,
Confusing a big cat with men.

And neither is old by its standard of age in a man or a cat,
They are unlikely friends in a desert
A feline and lad in steel hat -
For either is hardly a hunter; and each likes its pleasure and fun,
But both are apprenticed to Nimrod:
This young cat and a bloke with his gun."
Steve Myers

Everybody wants to go to heaven; but nobody wants to die.