Got a caption for this picture????

By Snowstorm

Picture attached.....



By mallrat• 18 May 2008 14:57

hi ms. allure,

im afraid of cats, yikes.

Never go younger by a month, a hard bod is no substitute for wisdom.

-Angelica Houston, Material Girls

By Snowstorm• 18 May 2008 14:50



By lipstick• 18 May 2008 14:20

im sure that cat is looking for you.


By Dracula• 18 May 2008 14:04
Rating: 2/5


Medical authorities noticed that there were many cats in the camp, some of which were being adopted as mascots by the soldiers. Fearing rabies, these medical authorities captured every cat and transported them to a wilderness many miles distant.

Within two months, the results of this mistake were apparent to all.

Flea-ridden rats, formerly unknown at the camp, occupied it in swarms. The rats brought their own rabies threat, while their dried droppings spread disease throughout the garrison. Snakes were attracted by the presence of these rodents, which made wonderful meals for them, and cobras were found lurking in the bunkers, which offered shelter from the searing Afghan sun. It was a serious military problem, and there was only one solution.

The cats had to come back.

Today, some 60-70 cats patrol the installation. There is not a rat to be found, and the cats include the bunkers in their rounds as well. Some of the cats have names, given by the soldiers who feed them. Throughout history, military units have often adopted animals as mascots and pets. For as long as there have been armies, soldiers deployed on hard missions, far from home and family, welcomed these little friends, who reminded them of their own humanity. Our soldiers of today are no less human than the soldiers of days gone by.


Everybody wants to go to heaven; but nobody wants to die.

By brandylady• 18 May 2008 13:55

think thats what I have running through my veins, wine!!!! lol

wanna bite me now??? xx

By DaRuDe• 18 May 2008 13:53
Rating: 4/5


its English Forum.




By anonymous• 18 May 2008 13:52

yeah I can tell you must speak spanish cos I wouldn't know how to get the swirly thing on the 'n'.......cerveza lol

"It is dangerous to be sincere unless you are also stupid."

- George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)

By Dracula• 18 May 2008 13:51

.Viñas - means vein

.Vino - means wine

( It,s my language ...:P)



Everybody wants to go to heaven; but nobody wants to die.

By anonymous• 18 May 2008 13:45

Mal vino means bad wine...its a mixture of Spanish and French.......although I've never come across a bad wine lol

"It is dangerous to be sincere unless you are also stupid."

- George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)

By brandylady• 18 May 2008 13:43

sounds like my kinda person lol xx

By Dracula• 18 May 2008 13:42

“Mal de Viñas” means coffee lethal decline (root-infesting mealybugs and other insects

in the health of coffee plantations.)




Everybody wants to go to heaven; but nobody wants to die.

By anonymous• 18 May 2008 13:39

Lol, I wouldn't mind being banned but I'd like to know what I've done.....maybe it was when I'd had too many voddy's...I dunno lol

"It is dangerous to be sincere unless you are also stupid."

- George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)

By brandylady• 18 May 2008 13:36

brother too, and hey, if they won't let you in just come back here amongst friends :)

By mallrat• 18 May 2008 13:36
Rating: 4/5

Cutie SOLDIER adors the CAT, but cat is looking for a RAT,(not sure which rat, is it ksarat or mallrat).lol.

Never go younger by a month, a hard bod is no substitute for wisdom.

By anonymous• 18 May 2008 13:33

I know it as the Falklands cos my dad was there in the war.........

"It is dangerous to be sincere unless you are also stupid."

- George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)

By brandylady• 18 May 2008 13:31

think it is the Falklands hence all the stupid fighting xx

By anonymous• 18 May 2008 13:30

Yes, all Brits should know that!!

"It is dangerous to be sincere unless you are also stupid."

- George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)

By falcon555• 18 May 2008 13:30
Rating: 3/5

Hats off to the eye behind the camera for this shot.

any way .... MPOV I say

Kill Humans , Love Animals


LOVE Really Does Mean Never Having To Say Your Sorry..

By Dracula• 18 May 2008 13:29

for Malvinas = correct name for the island!


Everybody wants to go to heaven; but nobody wants to die.

By anonymous• 18 May 2008 13:25

Eh? Banned? For what? Oh shyte I'm going back soon maybe they won't let me in!......Bloody shame...

"It is dangerous to be sincere unless you are also stupid."

- George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)

By Dracula• 18 May 2008 13:24

.supernurse, you're already banned in UK :)


Everybody wants to go to heaven; but nobody wants to die.

By anonymous• 18 May 2008 13:21

Malvinas methinks.........

"It is dangerous to be sincere unless you are also stupid."

- George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)

By Dracula• 18 May 2008 13:20


The right name for that damn island!


Everybody wants to go to heaven; but nobody wants to die.

By brandylady• 18 May 2008 13:18

am not understanding the last post :) xx

By Dracula• 18 May 2008 13:16


For you, Falkland it's a correct name.

For an Argentinian Lady, a correct name is Malvine!

Who is right and who is wrong?


Everybody wants to go to heaven; but nobody wants to die.

By nepparaiso• 18 May 2008 13:14

Need not to worry...

By Dracula• 18 May 2008 13:13

Oh, yes, dutch neutrality!

68 years and 8 days ago,when Britain and France declared war on Germany in 1939 the Netherlands remained neutral.

However, this DID NOT STOP the Netherlands was invaded by the German Army on 10th May 1940.


Everybody wants to go to heaven; but nobody wants to die.

By brandylady• 18 May 2008 13:11

do you think a soldier is fighting for what he or she believes in or what they are conditioned into thinking they believe in.

I too am anti-war and a dog lover, but I do think that soldiers are far too often puppets in a game played by those who want power whatever the cost.

My nephew fought when Saddam was taken down, my brother was in the navy and served during the falklands conflict, he was on HMS Arrow and they had the terrible job of taking from the sea the survivors from HMS Sheffield that was hit badly and burned. My brother was given a medical discharge after it affected him so badly and still to this day he will not talk about it. My other brother was in the RAF and was sent to the Falklands after the war, he saw only penguins and sheep on an island that many lost their lives fighting over.

My opinion only for what it is worth x

By Ducks• 18 May 2008 13:07
Ducks you say, if they believe in what they are doing, it's honorable? Or did I get it wrong...

By mghozlan• 18 May 2008 13:05

nice one,

By Dracula• 18 May 2008 13:04

I am anti-war and a great animal lover.

Did this soldier ASK for this picture to be taken?

Does he DEMAND recognition for being a soldier?

I say, tie yellow ribbons out and pray for all the soldiers over there, because whether we agree with them or not, they are laying out their lives for something they believer in, and no matter what, that is ALWAYS honorable.

“Don’t judge a book by its cover”


By thexonic• 18 May 2008 12:56

We are all victims of our own wars, we didnt choose to fight, the weapons were forced on us by life.

Una palabra no dice nada, Y al mismo tiempo, Lo esconde todo - Outlandish

By Snowstorm• 18 May 2008 12:51



By Ducks• 18 May 2008 12:17

"you're gonna be my lunch"

By kim• 18 May 2008 12:14

Love in time or War

By brandylady• 18 May 2008 12:13

am gob smacked by that one :)

what a good poem too and so apt,

well done and 3 cheers for you my good man xx

By Dracula• 18 May 2008 12:12


"A hulk ofa man clad in armor, his weapon to hand and alert,

His helmet worn snug, as it should be,

He crouches with care in the dirt

Of a dim, distant war he once heard of in a book, in a class,


Now he scratches the ear of a kitten

He encountered while passing this way.

And the cat sits and loves the attention it never would win here

at home,

For its place in this world is in basements

Chasing mice, catching rats where they roam.

And yet it has killed in its duty, for play still comes first to its ken –

This calico purrs wih great pleasure,

Confusing a big cat with men.

And neither is old by its standard of age in a man or a cat,

They are unlikely friends in a desert

A feline and lad in steel hat -

For either is hardly a hunter; and each likes its pleasure and fun,

But both are apprenticed to Nimrod:

This young cat and a bloke with his gun."

Steve Myers


Everybody wants to go to heaven; but nobody wants to die.

By brandylady• 18 May 2008 12:10

you go again, walking encyclopedia is it not :) xx

By Dracula• 18 May 2008 12:08

This picture depicts an Israeli soldier while on patrol in UN designated Palestinian occupied territory

He is wearing Israeli issue combat boots, uniform,helmet and a M16A2 with Israeli modifications and "Trilux" scope.



Everybody wants to go to heaven; but nobody wants to die.

By anahmed• 18 May 2008 12:07

thank you... *_*

Never Ask for a SMILE..just GIVE it..

By irrysa• 18 May 2008 12:05

Human also go to war.

If you're looking for a problem, you're probably gonna find one.

By britexpat• 18 May 2008 11:56

From the uniform he looks Israeli..

So its either palestine or lebanon

By bakamuna• 18 May 2008 11:53

this could also be a good avathar for catsniper :)

By brandylady• 18 May 2008 11:50

protect and serve

By chiefsittingbull• 18 May 2008 11:48

Would we be here tomorrow????


By anahmed• 18 May 2008 11:44

any idea this soldier is in which area??

I guess that will surely help us decide on the caption

Never Ask for a SMILE..just GIVE it..

By bakamuna• 18 May 2008 11:35

ahhh whats that lets not start it again :)

By qatarisun• 18 May 2008 11:31

bakamuna.. your comments remind me someone's


By Dracula• 18 May 2008 11:08

.I love dogs!


Everybody wants to go to heaven; but nobody wants to die.

By Rizks• 18 May 2008 11:02

Tom & Jerry

Tom = Cat

Jerry = Soldier

Cheers !!

By Andrews• 18 May 2008 11:02
Rating: 4/5


By andrez• 18 May 2008 10:59

Cat and gun


pRaCtIcE mAKeS iT pErFEct!


nObOdYs pErFEct!



By JonB• 18 May 2008 10:57

get back to work...

By Vivo Bonito• 18 May 2008 10:44
Vivo Bonito

SOLDIER thinks: "i missed the softness that was in you..."

~~~ We could learn a lot from crayons; some are sharp and some are dull, some are pretty, some have weird names and all are of different colors, but they all have to learn to live in the same box.~~~

By casanova• 18 May 2008 10:40

"Life is beautiful"

“Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided men.”

Martin Luther King.

By simplestguy90210• 18 May 2008 10:38

....... HOW I WISH I WERE LIKE YOU, A CAT. ("Cats have 13 lives", as the old belief says.)

And, the CAT read what the soldier was thinking.

And, the cat replied the soldier through his mind,

"NO WAY!!!! My life is far better than you..." lol...

By anonymous• 18 May 2008 10:34

Beauty and the Beast...... Off course the cat is the beast.

By brandylady• 18 May 2008 10:29

nice one lol :)

By simpleman• 18 May 2008 10:28

Who said there is no LOVE in Wartime


Simpleman is loving everyone


By bakamuna• 18 May 2008 10:26

Soldier says; Smoke shoudnt you be in QL

By DaRuDe• 18 May 2008 10:24

seems like we gonna get kicked at same time too

you know great minds :D




By Snowstorm• 18 May 2008 10:24



By spicemom• 18 May 2008 10:22

DaRuDe - hey it's now twice this morn you post same time as i minds or perfect timing??)

life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......

By Dracula• 18 May 2008 10:22

He died 1 second later.




Everybody wants to go to heaven; but nobody wants to die.

By DaRuDe• 18 May 2008 10:21

okay got you guess we are missing Jauntie here or she would have said something else in the center




By spicemom• 18 May 2008 10:21

brandylady - i was thinking 'soft in the middle' - like an

life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......

By Rizks• 18 May 2008 10:21
Rating: 5/5

Caring before Slaughtering....

By brandylady• 18 May 2008 10:20

in the Uk we say soft in the middle, same as inside to you :)

Ah the language barrier, how often do we need to cross it ;) xx

By DaRuDe• 18 May 2008 10:18

shouldnt that be soft from inside :? what do you mean by middle




By britexpat• 18 May 2008 10:18

Strange! cats usualy purr, but this one seems to be "ticking"

By brandylady• 18 May 2008 10:17

tough love??

Hard on the outside, soft in the middle??

By macgyver426• 18 May 2008 10:17
Rating: 5/5


By anonymous• 18 May 2008 10:14
Rating: 5/5

Guns and Roses...

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