you know I hedged my bets when I was offered holy water from a spring, in Turkey, at the site where Mary was taken by John, after the crucifiction of her son (yes I did say her son).
I thought ... well ... who knows - maybe .... oh heck, I'll take a cup to be on the safe side :D
funny old life isn't it.
thexonic - I went to the Garden of Eden when we were in Iraq - remind me to tell you about it some time :/
you know I hedged my bets when I was offered holy water from a spring, in Turkey, at the site where Mary was taken by John, after the crucifiction of her son (yes I did say her son).
I thought ... well ... who knows - maybe .... oh heck, I'll take a cup to be on the safe side :D
funny old life isn't it.
thexonic - I went to the Garden of Eden when we were in Iraq - remind me to tell you about it some time :/