I had wondered why you were asking this question about how mixed marriages may or may not work and now you have explained how the situations have touched on your own life.  


You know, it isn't just to do with Eastern cultures when parents and elders come into play.


Some of us had to put up with Western cultures (I'm English) and my family wouldn't let me tell my Mother I got divorced from my first husband - I was very close to my Mother, but my older Bro and Sis forbade me to tell her, so when I then married the 'love of my life' I wasn't allowed to invite my Mother to the wedding.  I was 30 years old and too dutiful to cross the line.


Isn't that sad.   I would behave very differently now, some decades later, and tell them to mind their own business, but at the time I toed the line - I so wish I hadn't.