I never see all this racist stuff to be able comment about it! But then again I don't like crowds at any time, let alone the masses of people who go to popular places on high days and holidays, whether it be here or in the UK or ANYWHERE!
Hate it! Get claustrophobic.
Hong Kong street markets are an especially terrifying experience for me and I dread the souqs here, NOT for any staring or being jossled, but because I have a phobia about people leaping out of shops trying to sell me things I don't want, when I'm out for a nice walk to check out the 'ethnic side' of where I live.
Sory, no spellcheck here - just buggerred up my puter Royally, but trying to reinstall it - so apologies for errors.
I never see all this racist stuff to be able comment about it! But then again I don't like crowds at any time, let alone the masses of people who go to popular places on high days and holidays, whether it be here or in the UK or ANYWHERE!
Hate it! Get claustrophobic.
Hong Kong street markets are an especially terrifying experience for me and I dread the souqs here, NOT for any staring or being jossled, but because I have a phobia about people leaping out of shops trying to sell me things I don't want, when I'm out for a nice walk to check out the 'ethnic side' of where I live.
Sory, no spellcheck here - just buggerred up my puter Royally, but trying to reinstall it - so apologies for errors.