What Going On at the Cornish ??

By dominichow

Why are they so many cops there, and directing people away from the cornish? is it Family day there or something ?? anyone with information do post :)

By anonymous• 23 Dec 2007 20:06

If the corniche is split in to designated areas like you mentioned, I have to say its a great idea. But it would be inconvenient if you are a long distance jogger though. :-)

By SPEED• 23 Dec 2007 20:01

Well i must say yes it is right what Doha poilce is doing at the corniche, they are not pulling out the labourer from the corniche instead they have designated areas for families and bachelors ...


By anonymous• 23 Dec 2007 19:50

if the cops cordoned off all the construction areas in the corniche as well...

If the labourers can't be at the corniche, then why have them across the street at the construction sites?

By knoxcollege• 23 Dec 2007 19:45

and the wrong is what you dont want.

So all the people who have a family dont want labourers around them, so it is better to keep the labourers locked up during the Eid/other holidays. In that way the families can have fun and the good thing is that they dont have even to look at the labourers.

Guess what if people with families have a problem then are better off by keeping their families behind. Families or no families everyone has equal rights, except if it is the maternity ward.

The people who dont want labourers around em just shows the mentality of the people in Qatar and their thinking about the moral character of labourers.

By anonymous• 23 Dec 2007 19:11

Speed, I know its awfully convenient for most people on QL if the corniche were to suddenly be off limits for labourers. But do you think it would be right?

By SPEED• 23 Dec 2007 18:13
Rating: 5/5

Last friday we went to Al Khor corniche, we were 3 families. we reached Al Khor around 2pm, there were few people on the corniche and some bachelors and 2 - 3 families. We selected the place and gathered our stuff, around 3pm we started taking our lunch, to my surprise by 4pm there were thousands of labourers around us in groups of different nationalities and all were staring at our ladies even some were posing for photos facing our side... finally we noticed all the families started packing up their stuff and they were leaving, so we were also forced to leave that place. Our outing was spoiled, we decided not to go there again specially during holidays.

So what police is doing on the Doha corniche is highly appericiated.


By anonymous• 23 Dec 2007 17:54

the collection had not yet been put on display at that time... but the building is very impressive... the lighting at night is really beautiful and they've set up some really neat kiosks... good use of technology.

There is even a kind of pier so you can get in to the museum from the water through a boat or a ship...

I was told that someone from the Royal family was coming there on a weekly basis to check on the progress of work. Sadly though its a year behind schedule already.

For sure its going to be spectacular...

By diamond• 23 Dec 2007 17:45

Yes PM it's so impressive. I know what you mean. I'm not terrribly happy that the Egyptian collection is not in Egypt. Likewise with the Islamic Art collection. Inshallah in the years to come our new museum in Doha will have an ever-growing wonderful collection of Islamic Art and it will be free to enter. I don't think one should have to pay to view art. It makes it prohibitive to so many people.



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By anonymous• 23 Dec 2007 17:38

neither here nor there...

you would make a great politician...

By anonymous• 23 Dec 2007 17:37

I had read and heard a lot about the glory of Islamic civilization but none of it really fell in to perspective until I visited the Islamic section of the louvre museum... such intricate work considering the period...

By diamond• 23 Dec 2007 17:33

Love the cities...it's the people! But it's all part of the charm isn't it? Or at least that's what I keep telling myself...



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By anonymous• 23 Dec 2007 17:31

DG, you are the perfect judge

which city gets the world's rudest city award

Paris or NYC... ?

I vote Paris

By anonymous• 23 Dec 2007 17:28

But I did have a great cup of coffee right next to the skating rink

By diamond• 23 Dec 2007 17:22

Did you try ice-skating there at Rockefeller? It's such fun.



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By diamond• 23 Dec 2007 17:19

I've lived in Paris and actually consider myself an honourary Parisienne when I am there :) It's a certain mindset. Even French people who don't live in Paris have trouble with the Parisiens lol.



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By anonymous• 23 Dec 2007 17:13

Actually DG, roughly this time of the year last year I passed thru NYC...

and I lasted slightly longer than 5 minutes, lasted ALL OF 5 HOURS

you were right, the crowd was kinda overwhelming, wouldn't want to live there

But the christmas tree outside Rockefeller... outstanding..

about the rudeness part...

I can say only one thing...

You have obviously not been to Paris :-)

By diamond• 23 Dec 2007 17:12

Ah yes, the old Doha where no one knew what a traffic jam was ;)



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By diamond• 23 Dec 2007 17:11

Agree. New Yorkers are secretly adorable under their tough exterior ;)

Going to the Met today PM. Did you know they have the world's most comprehensive collection of Islamic Art? I didn't realise that until the first time I went some years ago. It is breathtaking! At the moment it's closed for restoration and expansion for a few years so they have a temporary installation. Can't wait until they finish the work.



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By diamond• 23 Dec 2007 16:56

It was meant for you Hashin :) I was thinking of some of the New York markets and how it is literally the survival of the fittest in order to get served!

Salam PM, New Yorkers are a breed of their own. You have to jump right in there with them! Point to note...over the last several years when Rudy was in office the crime rate reduced significantly and it is now a relatively safe place to be. I think nothing of jogging in Central Park yet many who have never been to NY would think I was mad.



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By anonymous• 23 Dec 2007 16:51

me or jauntie?

By diamond• 23 Dec 2007 16:46

You should never go to New York then...you wouldn't last five minutes with the rudeness ;)



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By anonymous• 23 Dec 2007 15:52

I was at a crowded shop counter at a very very busy place

a local lady comes from behind and then shouts at the crowd

that we should clear the counter for her and the others with her

The shop keeper at the counter told the lady immediately...

that he needs this crowd for his business and not to insult them

either she come in the morning when there is no rush

or else she go to some other up scale shop where she has to pay for a better shopping experience...

I don't like to take my family to crowded places

so I take my family to those places when it is not crowded

I do not expect the crowds to clear out for my benefit at my convenience

By jauntie• 23 Dec 2007 15:20

I never see all this racist stuff to be able comment about it! But then again I don't like crowds at any time, let alone the masses of people who go to popular places on high days and holidays, whether it be here or in the UK or ANYWHERE!

Hate it! Get claustrophobic.

Hong Kong street markets are an especially terrifying experience for me and I dread the souqs here, NOT for any staring or being jossled, but because I have a phobia about people leaping out of shops trying to sell me things I don't want, when I'm out for a nice walk to check out the 'ethnic side' of where I live.

Sory, no spellcheck here - just buggerred up my puter Royally, but trying to reinstall it - so apologies for errors.


By KellysHeroes• 23 Dec 2007 14:52

Think for 4 or 5 consecutive days this subject is being discussed. Am afraid we have to start a website dedicated for this issue :)

By diamond• 23 Dec 2007 14:45
Rating: 3/5

Wish it was, KH, and that people would stop saying that certain nationalities are not allowed on the Corniche. It's very wearing as well as incorrect.



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By KellysHeroes• 23 Dec 2007 14:41

Thought this subject is over

By diamond• 23 Dec 2007 14:35

Knox, you are wrong. The Corniche is NOT off limits to certain nationalities. At times a section of it is partitioned to make a family area but there is still plenty of Corniche left for everyone to enjoy when the authorities do that.

And PM is right about your comment above. Yuk. Is it any wonder that ladies and families appreciate the family section of the Corniche with people like you going down there to stare at womens breasts.

Get a life.



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By knoxcollege• 22 Dec 2007 20:35

As for the moment, corniche is off limits to certain nationalities, and very soon Qatar will be off limits to certain nationalities. Looks as if the time has come for a change

Hell I also wanna see some juggs, I am tired of only seeing the pricks on the corniche.

By genesis• 22 Dec 2007 18:32

It wasn't blocked off for families! They were only blocking laborers from certain nationalities. They were more like Night club bouncer ;)

I didn't bother to comment when i saw the thread yesterday. I thought they were exaggerating . But when i saw it today, believe me it is disturbingly annoying.

By genesis• 22 Dec 2007 17:52

I was jogging this afternoon in cornish, and i saw it. They were asking (Actually yelling at)laborers from certain nationality to walk back!

It's really annoying to see that.

By Xena• 22 Dec 2007 17:43

would even like to try.... ;-)

By diamond• 22 Dec 2007 16:26

Totally agree with that PM. I am quite capable of making excellent wardrobe decisions. No man has yet attempted to tell me what to wear, nor should he try to :)



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By uniqueaan• 22 Dec 2007 13:49

atleat in public places, womans suppose to wear veil/hijab....

By diamond• 22 Dec 2007 01:54

even though the sound of it is something quite atrocious

if you say it loud enough it ought to sound precocious


dum diddle liddle liddle dum diddle I




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By jauntie• 22 Dec 2007 01:34

Enjoying the best of both worlds eh?

Who is playing Mary Poppins, by the way ..... supercalifragilisticexpialidocious and all that

Oh and I'm still up 'cos I shouldn't be :P


By diamond• 22 Dec 2007 01:32

yeah, damn quiet...where is that gabby chicka?



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By diamond• 22 Dec 2007 01:30

And what pray are you doing up so late missy?

Much fun today...went ice-skating which was hilarious then had fabulous hot chocolate. Going out this evening to see Mary Poppins on Broadway. Fun! Have finally finished work as everyone wants to start their holidays for Christmas...yay!




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By jauntie• 22 Dec 2007 01:24

No one would bloomin' notice ... it would slip to page 5 within a day lol


By jauntie• 22 Dec 2007 01:22

You are in the wrong time zone ;P

Having fun there? It seems very quiet here - everyone, like youself, have beggered awf!!!

no fair ...


By diamond• 22 Dec 2007 01:11

Knoxie, sometimes you just have way too much time on your hands...lol



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By knoxcollege• 21 Dec 2007 18:29
Rating: 5/5

This is definitely good for the media and for the country.

Think about it, if a westerner comes over to the corniche and sees an equal ratio of men and women on the corniche, he is gonna think both genders have equal rights in qatar.

If he sees only men on the corniche he is going to think that women are kept behind lockers in this country and only men have freedom.

Hell he is also gonna think that women are very health conscious and they take good care of their figure.

Now if the police can only make sure that the unveiled women are not allowed to go to the corniche, as my friends in the west think of the veil as a sign of oppression.

Police Man: Hey who is that all dressed in black in the back seat of the car.

Husband: Thats my wife

Police Man: Why is she wearing the veil?

Husband: Coz people tend to stare at her a lot when she takes off the veil. (woman in the back seat is thinking that the only time I take off the veil is when I am behind concrete walls, and still people stare at me. Damn these guys have x-ray vision)

Police Man: Dont worry about those labourers, we have taken care of them and now they are not allowed wherever there is opposite sex (Talk about gender segregation). So tell her to take off her veil, Coz I suspect that is Bin Laden Agenda hiding behind the veil

Husband: Take off your veil, and see the new Qatar, now no one will stare at you.

Wife: Takes off her veil, and the photographer takes a picture of the unveiled woman to highlight the new and reformed Qatar.

(Enjoy the new Qatar and the changed KC)

Hell I also wanna see some juggs, I am tired of only seeing the pricks on the corniche.:)

By MattyHardingLower• 21 Dec 2007 17:42

A pastie making competition thats got out of hand......(i love Cornish Pasties, and i do mean really really really love Cornish Pasties.) Anyway drooling aside, if the Police were invovled maybe someone got hurt. A pastie loaded with stones is going to cause some discomfort when it hits you square in the kipper.

Maybe there was some chaeting going on and.......oh thats enough!!!!!

Humanity is simply a parade of fools....and im right at the front twirling the biggest baton anyones ever seen.

By jauntie• 21 Dec 2007 17:05

I wondered about that 'Qatarization' comment too! But, then, I often get the wrong end of the stick, so I kept quiet.

Going to check out what to eat now - catch you later :D


By jauntie• 21 Dec 2007 16:36

or a run on Clotted Cream !


By diamond• 21 Dec 2007 16:05

like the winter solstice?!



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By jauntie• 21 Dec 2007 16:00

Thought for a moment there was some Druid Festival going on in Cornwall (UK) lol


By diamond• 21 Dec 2007 14:56
Rating: 4/5

If it is family day then the Police/Lekhwiya will section it off in such a way so everyone can find a space/place to walk there. I've read the other ridiculous thread which is a non-argument as when the Corniche is sectioned off there is always a section for bachelors and a section for families.



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