Christmas is one of those festivals. Now some are saying they will celebrate with a Christmas 'play' rather than the nativity play.
It's quite possible some of the baptised Christian kids never go to Church, but for heavensake the nativity and carol singing are a big part of Christmas. Let the Church have it's crib and Midnight Masses for the adults, and let the children see the Nativity as a bit of wonder and excitement during the run-up to Christmas Day - something they can dress up for and be involved in.
I believe Jesus was born, and I believe he was born in Bethlehem. I believe he was a very good man - why not celebrate his birth in the school. Schoolchildren of any beliefs are taught how to celebrate their religion at the school desk and are given projects to make the celebration GREAT!
Don't tell me the Indian school children here didn't organise events to celebrate Diwani or the Muslim school kids didn't arrange school activities to celebrate the Eid following Ramadan!
Christmas is one of those festivals. Now some are saying they will celebrate with a Christmas 'play' rather than the nativity play.
It's quite possible some of the baptised Christian kids never go to Church, but for heavensake the nativity and carol singing are a big part of Christmas. Let the Church have it's crib and Midnight Masses for the adults, and let the children see the Nativity as a bit of wonder and excitement during the run-up to Christmas Day - something they can dress up for and be involved in.
I believe Jesus was born, and I believe he was born in Bethlehem. I believe he was a very good man - why not celebrate his birth in the school. Schoolchildren of any beliefs are taught how to celebrate their religion at the school desk and are given projects to make the celebration GREAT!
Don't tell me the Indian school children here didn't organise events to celebrate Diwani or the Muslim school kids didn't arrange school activities to celebrate the Eid following Ramadan!