About 25 years ago (my how time flies when you are enjoying yourself!) a friend was staying with us and his little girl (about 5 years old) was restless, so I said I'd read to her from my favourite childhood book. A sort of fairytale about a little man and his little house and his little dog etc
She got even more bored, and her father said to me 'it's not violent enough'
So, yes, I live in fantasy land and times have changed.
About 25 years ago (my how time flies when you are enjoying yourself!) a friend was staying with us and his little girl (about 5 years old) was restless, so I said I'd read to her from my favourite childhood book. A sort of fairytale about a little man and his little house and his little dog etc
She got even more bored, and her father said to me 'it's not violent enough'
So, yes, I live in fantasy land and times have changed.