frog says French muslimas had to remove veils
canary says German schools had to remove crosses and holy pictures

I call that a 'tie' or 'draw' in the first instance.

Frog the nativity play is simply to do with the birth of Jesus and how Mary )accompanied by Joseph) rode on a Donkey to Bethlehem where he was eventually born in a stable, because there was no room at the Inn. I'm sure you know the story, so I shan't retell it here.

It's fundamental to the Christian belief - the Birth of Jesus Christ our Saviour.

It is something every 7 year old Christian kid loves being a part of - the Nativity Play with it's Three Wise Kings carrying gifts and Angels all over the place lol and animals at the crib etc.

It doesn't go into all the dogma - just a play about where the Scriptures say he was born. Nice BIG star above the stable which allegedly led the 3 wise blokes to the venu. :D