Folks - if some people choose to stuff themselves up and go to bed - then no one can do any thing about it - except them! But no point in blaming or criticising the concept of fasting. They follow similar routine whether fasting or not. In the fasting thats prescribed for the Muslims - it is clearly stated in the hadith of eating lightly and not heavily. It is very clearly explained on how to fast and like I mentioned in an earlier posting - people who do not control their actions behaviours DO NOT get any spiritual benifits. Fasting is NOT simply abstaining from food. Its a lot more deeper.
Terramax - we respect your culture and traditions and respect your choice of your fasting. If you wish to have a discussion on comparison between fastings of different faiths - suggest you start a new thread on it. As this one seems to be going so far quite peaceful. :-) I am sure each person would have a different opinion on that and I personally would not agree with you.
You are right when you comment on certain peoples behaviour and customs - but not every one is like that - hence pls refrain from making general sarcastic comments on people who fast and the concept of fasting as your comments are simply baseless. Each one of you simply make BLIND comments on the health problems as if each one of you is a DOCTOR. And when some one posts proper genuine quotes from qualified Doctors or Dieticians, you guys seem to come up with new issues of local customs/ behaviour of people. I guess for some people who choose to be negative - no amount of postiveness or goodness around them can make them see the good things in life. Its like the half full glass vs half empty glass. Thats each one of our choice to make. So all the best folks !
" Life is not a party we hoped for, but while we are here, we might as well dance! "
Folks - if some people choose to stuff themselves up and go to bed - then no one can do any thing about it - except them! But no point in blaming or criticising the concept of fasting. They follow similar routine whether fasting or not. In the fasting thats prescribed for the Muslims - it is clearly stated in the hadith of eating lightly and not heavily. It is very clearly explained on how to fast and like I mentioned in an earlier posting - people who do not control their actions behaviours DO NOT get any spiritual benifits. Fasting is NOT simply abstaining from food. Its a lot more deeper.
Terramax - we respect your culture and traditions and respect your choice of your fasting. If you wish to have a discussion on comparison between fastings of different faiths - suggest you start a new thread on it. As this one seems to be going so far quite peaceful. :-) I am sure each person would have a different opinion on that and I personally would not agree with you.
You are right when you comment on certain peoples behaviour and customs - but not every one is like that - hence pls refrain from making general sarcastic comments on people who fast and the concept of fasting as your comments are simply baseless. Each one of you simply make BLIND comments on the health problems as if each one of you is a DOCTOR. And when some one posts proper genuine quotes from qualified Doctors or Dieticians, you guys seem to come up with new issues of local customs/ behaviour of people. I guess for some people who choose to be negative - no amount of postiveness or goodness around them can make them see the good things in life. Its like the half full glass vs half empty glass. Thats each one of our choice to make. So all the best folks !
" Life is not a party we hoped for, but while we are here, we might as well dance! "