there is an enormous difference between looking and leering/making advances and comments. Its like being stalked all day long,no matter where you are, what you wear, or if you don't look at them. NOTHING give a man the right to do that to a woman..NOTHING. As far as the x rated movie and the inability to vent his that I say bullhocky!!!! That's like letting a kid watch a movie about killing and then when he does it, ohh well, he watched this movie and had no outlet for his anger..It leads to other things, usually more violent. Besides, there are other outlets for libido than harrassing women going about their daily business.
there is an enormous difference between looking and leering/making advances and comments. Its like being stalked all day long,no matter where you are, what you wear, or if you don't look at them. NOTHING give a man the right to do that to a woman..NOTHING. As far as the x rated movie and the inability to vent his that I say bullhocky!!!! That's like letting a kid watch a movie about killing and then when he does it, ohh well, he watched this movie and had no outlet for his anger..It leads to other things, usually more violent. Besides, there are other outlets for libido than harrassing women going about their daily business.