don't you see that what you are saying is exactly what most of our mothers told us 'gals' at a very early age! And MY mother didn't even know where Qatar WAS ! We lived in the suburbs of London, England and she didn't have to travel the world to know about the birds, bees and animals!

It's all just commonsense AND the situation is global AND as old as dirt.

Unfortunately we all know that incidents, like the one M3 mentions above, do happen. I had a similar experience in South Croydon (England) when I mistook a stranger (who pulled up in his car by the bus stop where I was waiting) for a friend of mine and got in! I was in my late 20s and didn't feel afraid so, when he offered to drive me to where I was headed, I said OK - forgetting all my mother ever told me! :D

A while later I realised we were driving down a dirt track. I won't bore you with the rest of the story, suffice to say I had a lucky escape. My point is, 'poo' really DOES happen but it doesn't only happen here.

I'm quite sure this topic has been brought up and thrashed out many times before in this Forum ... hmmmmm thinks ... you sure you aren't a troll, M3? (ducking out of arm's reach) ;o)