Crime Report 26 June

A driver who was employed by a hotel is facing charges of trying to molest a young woman who was transiting the city. The driver was at the airport to receive the woman and take her to the hotel. But instead of driving her to the hotel, he took her elsewhere and tried to undress and then molest her. The victim had arrived by a late night flight.
The criminal court conducting the trial has adjourned the hearing to July 10 when more witnesses are to be heard.
you almost miss it now hehe. had a chuckle.
a friend of mine got collected at airport by company driver and he tried to prolong her journey to her new flat.
she was scared and when she complained he denied and she was told off because he was a good muslim family man.
Welcome to Qatar
I have been curb crawled by fox limo drivers a couple of times...their defense is that they were just checking to see if you needed a limo. I would never use their service.
many drivers pretend to be taxi... girl gets in he phones friends and the ending is sad. girl doesn't report because she cant id perps and family need money back home and she can't afford to cause a fuss.
real shame -
i was badly curb crawled once whilst walking with a friend... and there was a police car - so we marched straight over with number plate - and pointed. they refused to do anything.
one time a friend rang a friend in the secret was extreme harrassment and she was scared. they got the guy he was half drunk had a rap sheet for other harrassment and spent a week detained 'at the Emir's pleasure' oh and he was married with a new born child. family living in Qatar,
if you get totally persistant curb crawlers just take a photo of the plate with your mobile... that seems them off.
Damage his tail lights..or bring down his windscreen.
At least then he would think twice in repeating the act. Also he would be the one going to the police station, Insurance & Industrial Area to get his car repaired.
don't you see that what you are saying is exactly what most of our mothers told us 'gals' at a very early age! And MY mother didn't even know where Qatar WAS ! We lived in the suburbs of London, England and she didn't have to travel the world to know about the birds, bees and animals!
It's all just commonsense AND the situation is global AND as old as dirt.
Unfortunately we all know that incidents, like the one M3 mentions above, do happen. I had a similar experience in South Croydon (England) when I mistook a stranger (who pulled up in his car by the bus stop where I was waiting) for a friend of mine and got in! I was in my late 20s and didn't feel afraid so, when he offered to drive me to where I was headed, I said OK - forgetting all my mother ever told me! :D
A while later I realised we were driving down a dirt track. I won't bore you with the rest of the story, suffice to say I had a lucky escape. My point is, 'poo' really DOES happen but it doesn't only happen here.
I'm quite sure this topic has been brought up and thrashed out many times before in this Forum ... hmmmmm thinks ... you sure you aren't a troll, M3? (ducking out of arm's reach) ;o)
I have lived in Qatar for 14 years. There are many cases of attacks on females. Sometimes group attacks on a single female. The stories are kept out of the newspapers. Never get in the car of any unknown male(s)You should also take care with male aquaintances. Always sit in the back seat of a cab. Avoid the corniche at night unless in a group.
..sorry i hope this doesn't make light of the point of this thread, which is indeed quite serious!
x now seriously goodnite
I was trying to fit in lots of words, when you probably only used one. oopsy
I haven't really encountered any problems with unwanted attentions since being here. Mind you I'm a lot older than when first I lived in the Middle East and then I maybe DID get those overtures. It never really bothered me - dunno why, it just didn't. Maybe cos no harm was done, it was all just looks and mutterings and gestures and that happens almost anywhere in the world.
I almost miss it now (giggles) Doesn't mean to say I don't sympathise with others, it's just I probably have a higher tolerance level and thicker skin than some.
trying to work out what you may have said that got 'bleeped' lol
sorry i didn't realize that was a curse word - i meant to say um, i've learned to be a bit of a meanie when i need to be... ;) x mp
...ugh memories of my first week in Qatar when a guy picked me up outside work in what i thought was a Fox Limousine...we were driving along and I said 'Could i go to --- Hotel, please' ... and he said 'Uhh speakadah English' ... Oh. All I could think was, where the heck are u taking me then>>????
He could speak at least 2 more words of English, because all the way to the next traffic light he just kept saying 'make love? make love? make love?' i was dying a slow death and trying to come up with my escape route...meanwhile thinking 'how on earth could i hav arms & legs totally covered, dressed for work, and still be mistaken for a prostitute?'
After many 'no thankyou no thankyou no thankyous' He let me out at the lights and I wondered all the way to my hotel...and called my colleague and had a big cry.
Then got on with the job of being happy where i am - after all, i still choose to be here and can leave any time (just learned how to be a bit of a hard bitch when i need to be...and not to get into any old car outside work that looks like a Fox Limo)
x mp