
Han 19,

Thank you for the inputs, we are from India Mumbai, we were in Doha in Feb 06 and did survey the place we did find it expensive but a very upcoming place.

How lomg does the formalities for Premanant Resisdent take.? so that I and my baby could follow.

Yes surly my husband will be provided a home / car / and a handsome packages else the complete excersis to move would be futile. Leaving the home ( is the home rent approx qrs 5000/ a furnished home) and what area approx coould I get the same) / car is Qrs 7000/-a fair package for him, car and home by company.

also would like to know if we have a PR in Doha do we require to have a visa to fly to Dubai / back.?

Would be grateful if you could suggest some agents for home / office as the same needs to be set up in Doha.

My arrival would all depend on my husbang moving for Doha approx Feb 07 and after he aquires his PR would I be able.

Thanks a lot in advance.