hi fellow Singaporeans!!

just wanna check if u guys will be in town (Doha) between 1-15 Dec 2006?
There will be a dinner event organised by Singapore Sports Council (ahem..and yours truly) to commemorate the Doha Asian Games and welcoming fellow supporters in Qatar...the Red Dotters!!

Our ministers will be coming down as well!

oh by the way..hehe DPM, Minister of State & Minister of Foreign Affairs are down in Qatar liao..yippee!! The Red Dotters are meeting up with them on Tuesday nite..

eh not bad le..we don't get to see them in Singapore but see them in little Doha!
even MM came down in January..few of those in Red Dotters managed to meet up with him for a chit chat *get to know Qatar better* session..

so are u guys coming down?
not sure how u're gonna contact me but perhaps leave a msg here?
or check out our gmail group? its in one of the above msgs lah..

SSC will even be giving the Red Dotters, tee shirts and flags to support the athletes during the games..and the lovely new addition to the tai tai clan can be i/c of cooking up super duper dishes..ehhehe *droolz*

anyhow, enough la..long story..get back to me on that yea?

ciao fellow singaporeans!