This what was sent to me by QP in an email. So make sure you have it written. Good luck
grade 16: QR17,000 Allowances:Qr14643
Allowances Detail: Housing allowance - QR. 6500 plus 3724 = Qr. 10.224 Transport Qr. 1000 W.InducementCAD 845 +QR690=Q3419
Total= Qr. 14643
This what was sent to me by QP in an email. So make sure you have it written. Good luck
grade 16: QR17,000
Allowances Detail:
Housing allowance - QR. 6500 plus 3724 = Qr. 10.224
Transport Qr. 1000
W.InducementCAD 845 +QR690=Q3419
Total= Qr. 14643