My husband and I came to Doha in February after he was offered a position at Al Jazeera. I was offered a position in May, with a formal offer and starting date. With HR being so disorganised they have taken 3 months to get back to me, only to say that the offer has been reneged. Their justification being the company does not allow the husband and wife to work for the company. (Even if their not working directly together.) This has been our experience with Al Jazeera. We are not the only ones this has happened to. So beware of accepting a contract to work for Al Jazeera especially if you're currently residing outside of Qatar as there are very few opportunities to work in Qatar (unless you're in the oil/gas industry). I give this advice because like you I was thrilled at the idea of Al Jazeera but my experience and that of others around me has been a bitter one.