Dating in Asia as an expatriate sucks. There is no other word for it. You aren't in an environment that you feel comfortable in, were you are sure about the culture and values of everyone you meet, or even the language. Chances are one gender is more sought after than the other, in south east and north east Asia it's men, in the Gulf it's women. That kind of attention tends to go to peoples heads, especially if they never experienced it before. It has nothing to do with maturity, it has everything to do with human nature.

So I'm sorry men that the women here are giving you the attention you're due (though after Steve-O's comments about homosexuals I can kind of see why hes not getting any attention), but there is only 1 of us to 20 of you, so suck it up and deal with it. I had to in Korea, Japan and Veitnam, now its your turn. ;D