I once drove my wife to her car dealer's service center to pick it up after maintenance. We left in our cars at the same time as a guy who'd just picked up his and driving back from the industrial area I noticed he was tailing her so I dropped back to watch. She was clueless. At the former Food Center roundabout (the new underpass just before or after the Ramada signals depending on which way you're headed) she called me to say whe was going to the Family Food Center and I said fine. She went left and of course so did Pest while I continued on up Salwa Road towards home.
Half an hour later she came home shaken. She said Pest had tried to talk to her from his car, give her his phone number, blocked her car with his when parked, then let her out and followed her home. Next day I go back to the sevice center, get the guy's license plate number and name, head to Al-Sadd police station, they bring him in and ask me what if I want to press charges. I say no, that's enough.
These guys are pitiful. Schizophrenia...