TG, It does fit on the other foot quite easily. Usually though its those 21 year old Asian girls looking for marriage and will say anything or do anything to get it.

RedCajun, there are lots of nice guys here, but you have to sift through the bad ones to get to them. I really really recommend that your sister should wait about 3 months until she starts dating. I would recommend that to anyone moving to a new country. You need time to settle and get the swing of the local culture, especially the dating scene.

She's going to get a lot of attention here from men and she needs to develop her instincts to tell which ones are genuine and which ones are just after a fling. It's a lot like home, but home the man/woman ratio is a lot different, so instead of one or two guys at a bar interested in you, its 10 or 15. It can be overwhelming for the first time female traveller in Asia.

And just because a guy is American doesn't mean that he's a good guy. A lot of men (and women) travel to run away or because they can't handle commitment. Army guys (no offence to them at all) are usually just here for 6 months and than gone, or even just on leave, so a long term, or even short term relationship isn't possible because they aren't interested. (I've learned from experience in Korea) Also sometimes (and this is true of any military) guys who join the army are not all that mentally stable. I've been called every name in the book and punched in the face for politely turning down drinks from GI's.

I would really, really recommend Sunny focusing on her career and not her dating life for the first little while.