Max out the credit card. Go out of the country and...
why not look for part time jobs where you are at?....
why does a MARRIED man go out to clubs and drug...
why are you posting everything twice?. Go see a Doctor...
then stop spamming
The fact that they said they would send someone to...
LOL Khan ;)
I hope someone can help you, but this is shocking. Didn...
Both of them should be lashed if it was consensual. If...
Don't go to Hamad. They intentionally...
Max out the credit card. Go out of the country and...
why not look for part time jobs where you are at?....
why does a MARRIED man go out to clubs and drug...
why are you posting everything twice?. Go see a Doctor...
then stop spamming
The fact that they said they would send someone to...
LOL Khan ;)
I hope someone can help you, but this is shocking. Didn...
Both of them should be lashed if it was consensual. If...
Don't go to Hamad. They intentionally...