Badie music store at the Souq area or 51 East at...
Try Patrice Salon either in Landmark Mall or Villaggio...
I miss the christmas celebrations back home :(
I have read the article britexpat.
Nomerci are you telling me NOT to call a spade a spade...
bush and obama look different but they are both...
Well, if those 'group of asian passengers' were not...
She's a fan of Pacquiao.
Poor Doggy!
Badie music store at the Souq area or 51 East at...
Try Patrice Salon either in Landmark Mall or Villaggio...
I miss the christmas celebrations back home :(
...I have read the article britexpat.
Nomerci are you telling me NOT to call a spade a spade...
bush and obama look different but they are both...
Well, if those 'group of asian passengers' were not...
She's a fan of Pacquiao.
Poor Doggy!