Do I have to wear bling and sandals also?
Its all cyclic.. Once it was the Sheikhs, now its the...
What ladies sometimes forget is that we men find it...
Women are strange creatures.. Who really really...
Hate to admit it, but in my teens and twenties, the...
Those are usually worn in Miami , by doddery old men.....
fact of the matter is that Pork is Forbidden in Islam....
You can't go! The castle has been converted to a...
Maybe you picked the wrong moment an he was actually "...
You're right I meant to say Qatari sun..:)
Do I have to wear bling and sandals also?
Its all cyclic.. Once it was the Sheikhs, now its the...
What ladies sometimes forget is that we men find it...
Women are strange creatures.. Who really really...
Hate to admit it, but in my teens and twenties, the...
Those are usually worn in Miami , by doddery old men.....
fact of the matter is that Pork is Forbidden in Islam....
You can't go! The castle has been converted to a...
Maybe you picked the wrong moment an he was actually "...
You're right I meant to say Qatari sun..:)