Obviously the evidence regarding same sex couples and...
Very good interview.. WE used to call him Shake-...
are sayig is that you want equality where it suits you...
very wise and so true.. i would question the playmate...
i had my panacea removed last year..
Sorry that is a cop out!
you should show that...
I thought the walk was a bit strange...
Sexual education is taught from an early age..lot of...
i love it when they say that the split is amicable and...
You got to admit, its more interesting then "second...
Obviously the evidence regarding same sex couples and...
Very good interview..
WE used to call him Shake-...
are sayig is that you want equality where it suits you...
very wise and so true.. i would question the playmate...
i had my panacea removed last year..
Sorry that is a cop out!
you should show that...
I thought the walk was a bit strange...
Sexual education is taught from an early age..lot of...
i love it when they say that the split is amicable and...
You got to admit, its more interesting then "second...