What happens when they leave Doha ?
doing here ?
someone once said "Money can't buy...
I bont thing so
Who would do the ironing and washing ?
I noticed that..
People sometimes take stories...
did you mean a Bimbo ?
Plenty of those around!...
Its OK.. The cleaning lady has since then snuffed it...
very realistic..
Thanks, you are correct..
Thanks for shaing... Good article..
What happens when they leave Doha ?
doing here ?
someone once said "Money can't buy...
I bont thing so
Who would do the ironing and washing ?
I noticed that..
People sometimes take stories...
did you mean a Bimbo ?
Plenty of those around!...
Its OK.. The cleaning lady has since then snuffed it...
very realistic..
Thanks, you are correct..
Thanks for shaing... Good article..