I believe that there is some argument between different...
you are correct. however, thes were soldiers who were...
In the UK and I suppose Canada, before "Halal" meat was...
This one about the scots explains it all>>>...
For a start , we pimps hate "PM's"..Bad for business...
The majority of muslims in the UK are from India,...
You are right...
It does seem like double...
It made sense till the final but one paragraph..
if Dracula could pretend to be a malformed Chihuahua...
I believe that there is some argument between different...
you are correct. however, thes were soldiers who were...
In the UK and I suppose Canada, before "Halal" meat was...
This one about the scots explains it all>>>...
For a start , we pimps hate "PM's"..Bad for business...
The majority of muslims in the UK are from India,...
You are right...
It does seem like double...
It made sense till the final but one paragraph..
if Dracula could pretend to be a malformed Chihuahua...