muhammad yasir siddiqui

about me... its unpredictable :P
enjoying life with full of fun m adventurous, I love Photography, Poetry & fond of making new Friends... :)
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Insta: siddiquiyasir
Snapchat: unleash89
wish me on 22nd of June :)
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Member since:
May 2012
@saysai: I don't use QL on Fridays u replied on...
@sayasi: yes any updates??
@rahma akmad: Walaikum assalam You are most welcome...
@silver: thank you for your valuable input :)
...@babu Bhai: Walaikum Assalam...
Thank you Manoftheyear & Humbles :)
@achabacha: its not pakoray Boss why it should come...
everybody please follow the line :P
@rizks: hahahhaha lolz... :D
hahahaha nice one MM Bhai :)