That’s Why more and more countries now are changing to...
Morning Omais.. as QLers we can do all that’s mentioned...
Ooops..MOD.. please correct the spelling in the title....
HGL..Why do you think that no...
No sulieman... you are the peace maker..:) happy? lol...
You are not giving anything to the wife..:( she looks...
Because Risks got an award for the most tolerant Qler...
Too lazy to drive back home ... I wanna sleep in the...
Sulieman when you reach 100k points you get free flight...
That’s Why more and more countries now are changing to...
Morning Omais.. as QLers we can do all that’s mentioned...
Ooops..MOD.. please correct the spelling in the title....
HGL..Why do you think that no...
No sulieman... you are the peace maker..:) happy? lol...
You are not giving anything to the wife..:( she looks...
Because Risks got an award for the most tolerant Qler...
Too lazy to drive back home ... I wanna sleep in the...
Sulieman when you reach 100k points you get free flight...