Of course Qatar, Please come fly in quickly, bilees....
My brother, This will you an excuse to stay unmarried...
Ans : OK, where are the questions ?
Come, use this opportunity to practice some spiritualty...
I am afraid that you may decide to reject this offer...
Not fair at all !
The free one , it is weighing...
Pray hard & ask for jobs for all needy every where...
Focus at the root cause ....
Your ID has a su'GUN'online & you talk of a divine...
Of course Qatar, Please come fly in quickly, bilees....
My brother, This will you an excuse to stay unmarried...
Ans : OK, where are the questions ?
Come, use this opportunity to practice some spiritualty...
I am afraid that you may decide to reject this offer...
Not fair at all !
The free one , it is weighing...
Pray hard & ask for jobs for all needy every where...
Focus at the root cause ....
Your ID has a su'GUN'online & you talk of a divine...