abu dhabi or qatar?

Hi everyone!
Please help me to decide because i have a job offer in abu dhabi at the same time in qatar.
My job offer in abu dhabi as Waiter in Yas aqua park, my salary is 1500dirhams/month and it all free including accomodation, transportation, food, laundry even the transpirtation when i want to stroll in UAE.
On the other hand in Qatar my job offer there is Gym Instructor 2750QR/month +free accomodation and transportation. I need to save money and i have to send money for my family in the Philippines. Which is better Qatar or Abu Dhabi? Please i need your answers ASAP! THANK YOU ALL!
Oh thank you molten.
If you chose to live in a sharing accommodation, most of above stuff would be available free of cost to you.
1more Question guys, how much will cost me with my food, laundry soap, bath soap, shampoo, drinking water, toothpaste in a month? Really appreciate all your responses.
Qatar seems like a better deal,, ask for more if you can!
The Yas Water Park? That's still at least a year from being completed, so unless they are going to be paying you to sit around and wait I would take the Qatar job.
for sure
well put it this way, if you are a gym instructor then you will stay in shape get paid more and eat less and help people loose weight. BUT if you are in abu dhabi then you will get fat and help people get fat and get paid LESS. So you pick, i say Qatar is a better and healthier choice.
Seems food and laundry is not included for gym instructor..that would then normalise your two salaries...however given the avenues to spend money being more in AD than in Qatar I would say go for Qatar as it will help you save more...however bear one thing in mind that this place (Qatar) can make you sad unlike AD which can mostly keep you happy without much effort.
All the best.
conversion from qatar riyals to peso is higher by 1 peso rather than dirhams to peso.
ex. 1 QAR= 11.70 pesos
1 DHS= 10.70 to 11.40 pesos.
LOL @ anyone comparing abu dhabi to qatar.
Abu Dhabi is probably the most organized city in the world. Coming here will be like coming 20 years back in time.
Stay in AD.
oh wait a min! whaaa 2750QR!!! HELL NO! stay where ur maan!
Qatar all the way!
2750QR for a gym instructor? try to negotiate for more ;) and I would say Qatar :)
No mid east experience and want to save money?...choose Qatar !!!
go to UAE as you can find many other opportunities as QATAR has not developed as much as UAE
Qatar would be the best Dont think common man fly to doha at ur earliest
Of course Qatar, Please come fly in quickly, bilees. Welcome !!
try qatar
So...you are a gym instructor and a waiter?