go to sofitel.
Try to post it here in MOBILES classified section....
Well done Osama,
your example is quit funny But...
Its safer to drive in required speed limit, no need to...
Dont push yourself too hard for the sitution, if you...
Lots of my gadgets.
We undesrtand that Osama.Yes, I just found...
Yes, frenchieman is absolutely right.
Most of...
its my dinner last night but everything is normal to me...
Thanks All QLERS for all your valid inputs.
go to sofitel.
Try to post it here in MOBILES classified section....
Well done Osama,
your example is quit funny But...
Its safer to drive in required speed limit, no need to...
Dont push yourself too hard for the sitution, if you...
Lots of my gadgets.
We undesrtand that Osama.
Yes, I just found...
Yes, frenchieman is absolutely right.
Most of...
its my dinner last night but everything is normal to me...
Thanks All QLERS for all your valid inputs.