he lost his passport and lost his patience and fainted...
I would offer 5 Riyals and some left over biscuits.......
and pay Qrs.5/- as a TIP...... LooL
616 .... tatz my total QL points till date :(
Were the hell is my Calculator ........
QS.....LoL .... Depends on the mood the pic...
Wonder how it would look wearing tat and riding a BIKE...
"WARNING" ALIENS have landed the planet EARTH .........
Oh Gosh!!! Looks Like A SCARE CROW ......
he lost his passport and lost his patience and fainted...
I would offer 5 Riyals and some left over biscuits.......
and pay Qrs.5/- as a TIP...... LooL
616 .... tatz my total QL points till date :(
...Were the hell is my Calculator ........
QS.....LoL ....
Depends on the mood the pic...
Wonder how it would look wearing tat and riding a BIKE...
"WARNING" ALIENS have landed the planet EARTH .........
Oh Gosh!!! Looks Like A SCARE CROW ......