WatZ TAT ???
Anywayz Happy tat thing 2 U 2...
I will advice ur boss to fix a CAM in ur Seat n C wat u...
i can see tat Heart Shape on the left .......
DaRuDe ........................
One person in QL...
U Dumb Pajju ......
I did not ask 2 chck ur...
Did u see tat Solder...
just a sec ..........
lemme chk my Zip !!!...
Thx Gypsy for the info......
Lemme dig some more...
Nathan ..........................
No my friend...
Khanan ..........
GM my friend, how u doin ?...
WatZ TAT ???
Anywayz Happy tat thing 2 U 2...
I will advice ur boss to fix a CAM in ur Seat n C wat u...
i can see tat Heart Shape on the left .......
...DaRuDe ........................
One person in QL...
U Dumb Pajju ......
I did not ask 2 chck ur...
Did u see tat Solder...
just a sec ..........
lemme chk my Zip !!!...
Thx Gypsy for the info......
Lemme dig some more...
Nathan ..........................
No my friend...
Khanan ..........
GM my friend, how u doin ?...