Chocolate and dates ;)-
I ment Srilanka
Yes you can leave on the short notice period provided...
If you have account in QNB ACCOUNT then you can use...
Sure, watch it carefully. And touch it only when green...
Where ever you may be, last destination remains the...
This abode is a temporary one and we are next to follow...
Tommorrow never comes baby..........
Better packup your masala dosa and be ready..... He is...
Chocolate and dates ;)-
I ment Srilanka
Yes you can leave on the short notice period provided...
Yes you can leave on the short notice period provided...
If you have account in QNB ACCOUNT then you can use...
Sure, watch it carefully. And touch it only when green...
Where ever you may be, last destination remains the...
This abode is a temporary one and we are next to follow...
Tommorrow never comes baby..........
Better packup your masala dosa and be ready..... He is...